Calculate how much it will cost to install solar panels for your home in Santa Clarita

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Solar power in Santa Clarita, California
Southern California Edison offers net metering to its customers, which means its easy for homeowners in Santa Clarita to offset their electric bills with solar panle.
The federal solar tax credit also covers part of the system cost as a tax deduction and combined with net metering solar is a no brainer home investment.
Net Metering Broken Down
Under SCE service area those looking to go solar will be able to receive full net metering with the retail power price when their system exports energy to the grid.
Under NEM-2 rules, customers must switch to time of use billing before going solar. NEM-2 compared to the old rules does reduce returns by about 10% when compared to the old system; however, the loss is minimal and net metering still yields a greater return than most other places in the US due to sun exposure being so high in Santa Clarita.
The average cost of installing residential solar panels in Santa Clarita,
California in 2025 is
$2.72 per watt. The average system size
in the US is 6 kilowatts, which means the average price of a solar system
in Santa Clarita, CA
is $13,600.
(after claiming 26% tax credit and other rebates)
The 26% federal solar tax credit explained
If you have a federal income tax liability, 26% of the cost of your solar system can be claimed as a deduction to your taxes. This incentive is claimed when you do your taxes. In order to receive the tax credit quicker it's best to do your taxes as soon as possible after installation.
What if my tax liability is less than 26% of my systems costThere is the option to claim this incentive over several years if your tax liability is less than 26% of the system cost.
How much will solar panels on my home save me?
The answer to this question depends on your electricity usage. Generally speaking the greater your power usage the greater the potential savings from installing solar.
The average monthly usage in California is only 573kWh per month however, you are most likely using a lot more than this since this average includes condos and small apartments.
The Santa Clarita solar panel savings calculator below will convert your monthly power spend into power usage (in kWh's) and then work out exactly how many solar panels you need to offset your usage, how much they will cost based on the prices of local solar companies and the amount you will save. Our California solar savings calculator can do this because it contains a database of the electric rates charged by City of Azusa, City of Burbank Water and Power, City of Glendale, City of Pasadena, City of Vernon, LADWP (City of Los Angeles), Southern California Edison Co
How much can solar panels save you in Santa Clarita
What does the cost of a real solar system look like?
Facts about installing a 10.29kW solar system in Santa Clarita, CA
This system would offset 100% of your energy usage if your typical monthly bill is $237, however your situation may vary so try our Santa Clarita solar calculator to get a result tailored to you.
Net cost of system
5 Years 8 Months
Average payback time
15,626 kWh
Annual power production
Levelized cost of solar energy
If you don't get solar
Cash flow graph based on cash purchase of this 10.29kW system
Life-time savings on this system over the next 25 years
(Prices shown after repayments of capital)
Solar companies in Santa Clarita, CA that provide pricing through the Solar-Estimate marketplace.
Average total cost of solar panel installation in Santa Clarita
System Size |
Cash purchase After 30% solar tax credit |
Financed purchase After 30% solar tax credit |
3kw | $6,069 | $6,555 |
4kw | $7,924 | $8,558 |
5kw | $9,730 | $10,508 |
6kw | $11,424 | $12,338 |
7kw | $13,083 | $14,130 |
8kw | $14,616 | $15,785 |
9kw | $16,128 | $17,418 |
10kw | $17,500 | $18,900 |
Find out what system size you need for your home
Going solar in California
Check out all of the ways energy providers of California can help you be more energy efficient and save money.
The following programs are available:
Incentive Name | Eligibility | Type |
Residential Clean Energy Tax Credit | Federal | Personal Tax Credit |
Property Tax Exclusion for Solar Energy Systems | State | Property Tax Incentive |
Net Billing (NEM 3.0) | State | Net Metering |
Self-Generation Incentive Program | State | Battery Rebate |
City of San Francisco - Low-Income Solar Inverter Replacement Program | City | Low-Income Program |
LADWP - Net Metering | Utility | Net Metering |
Disadvantaged Communities – Single-Family Solar Homes (DAC-SASH) program | Residential | Low-income solar program |
Find your local rebates and incentives
Please keep in mind that the best source of up-to-date information on incentives are the solar installers who specialize in your area.